How Can I Make This Happen?

It's too much, I can’t afford it. It’s too many trips back to back. I can’t ask my wife to stay home again and take care of everything. I can’t…

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Do Hard Things

While traveling through the island of Java, something unexpected happened one day —I started feeling this joy and pride in myself. No more wondering of what if. I just knew —I got this.…

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I’m just not good with women…

Some years ago, I was celebrating my 26th birthday with two friends in a beach city called Nha Trang, Vietnam. That day we went out to dance at this bar,…

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The time death seemed like the answer

It has been months of this constant suffering, of not being able to rest, of constant stimulation, of my brain being overloaded, and I can’t take it anymore. I start…

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"But you've been to Thailand 3 times already, why do you keep going there?" This is a question I heard a lot when I would tell people my plans for…

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Half of this menu is just drugs…

Imagine you walk into a restaurant, you sit down and the server gives you a menu. You go to the second half of it and suddenly you see there are…

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What I Used to Backpack Around the World

Everything I used to travel to 24 countries fit in those two bags Some months ago, my friend Wolfgang decided to travel the world and asked me if I could…

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Being Bored At The Farm

For a long time, I had been wanting to live and work at a farm. As an engineer, working at an office, the simple life of the outdoors and manual…

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Annapurna and the Importance of Saying Hello

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in a beautiful place called Yogyakarta. It had been 2 weeks since my friend Jorge left. I was traveling by myself…

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